.Hopkinsville High School Band of Tigers.
Pride. Loyalty. Achievement.                                                   


.honor students
.indoor lines
.band journal
.the band

Copyright.2001.Hopkinsville High School.Band of Tigers

. Jerry

okay, this year has been incredible...this year has been my favorite year, not because it is my last year but, for the fact that we all have worked really hard...discipline has been held to a controlable level and you all are the hardest working band i know...

For a band with so many young people, i think we did a damn good job showing people how we can act and play..yes, this year we've been dealt a harsh hand when it came to judges...but we prevailed and moved on...

i love everyone very much and i'm going to miss you all next year...but everyone moves through this band and leaves...and its just my turn...i know next will be even better because this was just a stepping stone in a direction that will take this band all the way to the top once again...

FOR THE SENIORS NEXT YEAR: ya'll make me proud...and alwyas keep a level head...please keep everyone together as one group, and never leave anyone out...i'm telling you this as advice so what happened this year won't ever happen to bring you guys down your senior year...ya'll know what to do...so practice and never ever show the band you've given up...cause they really look up to you all...you all are the oldest and with this title of responsibility you all will do just fine...

(Brain, work...remember you will be in charge and don't abuse the freshman dude...he'll get better...)

FOR THE JUNIORS OF NEXT YEAR: make me proud as well, you all are my part of my little chitlins!!! *GOOOOOOD MORNNINGGGGG MY LITTTLEEEE CHITLINS!!!!!!!!!!!* you guys have to help the seniors with the band...you all are the support group...if the seniors fail to make someone feel welcome its up to you all to do it. you all also know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done...you all are also looked up to, so goofing around when work begins...i'm proud to have marched and played music with all of you...i just wish i could march with you all just one more season.

FOR THE SOPHMORES OF NEXT YEAR: you all have made my senior year extra special...you all have proven yourself to be a strong force in this band and i want to congratulate all of you on a great marching season...you stuck through it for the first year and never gave up...you understood the importance everyone plays in this band...we couldn't have done any better without you....so don't doubt yourself...ever...you all have done more than you were asked to do...so be extremely proud of everything you've accomplished...

FOR THE FRESHMEN OF NEXT YEAR: i dont no many of you all, but congrats of the straight superiors at concert festival...i've heard so many good things about all of you and how well you played...please allow me to welcome you all to the marching band of hopkinsville high school...i regret not being able to work with all of you, but i'm quite sure next year is going to rock, and you all will be a force to reckon with on the field...look up to the older kids...they know what to do...if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask...no one can ask a stupid question...someone will be more than happy to help out in anyway...i wish you the best of luck...

okay, for everyone i've known and befriended...i love you all, and i wish i could come back next year and help you all on the field but the best i can do is sit and watch...remember, even if you can't see me...you all our all in prayers and i hope nothing but the best of everything to you all next marching season...i truly consider myself very fortunate to have met all of you and i will never forget the laughs, jokes, and tears we have shared together...

never forget to keep a constant devotion to each other...you're only as strong as your weakest link...respect each other and i don't want to hear about any fights...or i'll come and make you apologize...Just kidding, ^-^

jerry bedor omnegkar carlos keahi thomas phillips